# 🛑 Blacklist

If you're making something that requires a check on someone's status within a divison (Like being blacklisted), then you can use this API endpoint. Use the following parameters to check someone's blackist status:

# Required to request

URL: https://pb-kronos.dev/api/<division>/blacklist/checkusers?userids=<UserIDs> (See below for more details)
Possible URL Arguments:

  • ?userids=
    • 28462
    • 28462,27263812
    • 46367,3837293,23464 Possible Parameters:
  • <divisions>:
    • PBST
    • TMS

Required Method: GET
Required Headers:

Headers = {
  ["Access-Key"] = "<YOUR TOKEN HERE>",
  ["Content-Type"] = "application/json"

# Expected Response

   "<UserID>": BOOLEAN,
   "<UserID>": BOOLEAN

# Example Response


# Possible Error Messages

403: Invalid Permission / Invalid/Incorrect API Key
429: Exceeded ratelimit
501: Divison does not have an existing blacklist
502: Invalid entry data

Last Updated: 5/4/2021, 6:47:12 PM